So this is the end of the journey. This week by far took the most work. I think I put about four days into this phase I think the word for this part is called the "Crunch" phase. In the end however I felt that for the most part my game was a success. I do wish I could have got more completed but time didn't permit for the bells and whistles. One thing I have against Unity is that when it comes to the graphics department the engine is definitely lacking in comparison to UDK. It was also a big change going from UDK kismet to make interactivity happen to then go to javascripts with Unity. I really prefer the visual scripting that UDK offers. Like I said before I only wish I had more time to put in more content to further grab the player but time was limited. If I were to ever use Unity again it would probably be to make a 2d game where I don't have to worry about 3d rendering. Anyways it was fun for the most part. Unity was an interesting engine to explore. Below is some pics.